
User guide


This document provides detailed information about the operation principle, design, configuration, installation and maintenance of the pulse counter СИ20, hereinafter referred to as Device.

Connection, setup and maintenance should be made only by qualified specialists after reading this manual.

The device is produced in various modifications, that are encrypted in code of full conventional designation.


Construction type:

  • H – wall-mounting housing;
  • Щ1 – panel-mounting housing (square front panel, 96x96 mm);
  • Щ2– panel-mounting housing (rectangular front panel, 96x48 mm).

Built-in outputs:

  • P – electromagnetic relay;
  • K – transistor optocoupler of n-p-n type;
  • C – triac optocoupler.

The example of designation used for ordering and in other products documentation:

Pulse counter СИ20-У.Щ1.Р ТУ 4278-009-46526536-2012.

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Purpose and Function

The Device is a universal counter that can be used for a wide range of automation tasks. It is designed to count the number of pulses coming to its inputs in direct and opposite direction and to convert further this number into a physical value (using multiplication by given multiplier).

The device allows to perform the following functions:

  • count-up pulses from the connected sensors;
  • converting the number of pulses into real units of measurement;

  • powering sensors from the built-in 24 V DC power source;

  • load control by two built-in output;

  • saving counting results when power is turned off.

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Main technical specification of the device is given in Table.

Device features
Power supply
  • supply voltage

  • frequency

90…264 V (nominal values – 110, 220 or 240 V)

47…63 Hz (nominal values – 50 and 60 Hz)
DC:20…34 V (nominal value – 24 V)
Maximum power consumptionmax. 5 VA
Number of control inputs4
Current sensors poll2 mA
Nominal supply voltage of the sensors24 V
Internal power supply
Nominal DC voltage24 V
Maximum output current50 mA
Instability of output supply voltagemax. 10 %
Pulsation level, max.100 mV
Pulse counter
Number of display digits6
Counting speedmax. 2 500 Hz
Duration of input pulsesmin. 200 μs
Range of values of the multiplierfrom 0.00001 to 99999
Frequency of input filter1…2500 Hz
Pulse ratiomin. 2
Limit of permissible basic error (according to GOST24907)±1 junior digit
Number of outputs1
Current switched by relay contactsmax. 8 A (at 220 V AC and cos φ > 0.4)
Current of transistor optocoupler loadmax. 0.4 A (at 50 V)
Current of optotriac loadmax. 0.4 A


  • wall-mounting Н

  • panel-mounting Щ1

  • panel-mounting Щ2

105 × 130 × 65 mm

96 × 96 × 65 mm

96 × 48 × 100 mm

Protection class:
  • wall-mounting Н

  • panel-mounting Щ1 and Щ2


IP54 (front panel side)
Device features
Weight, max.1 kg
Average service life8 years

Operating conditions

The device is designed for operation in following conditions:

  • closed explosion-proof rooms without aggressive vapors and gases;
  • ambient temperature from -20 to +70 °С;
  • upper limit of relative humidity is max. 95 % at 35 °C and lower temperatures without moisture condensation;
  • atmospheric pressure from 84 to 106.7 kPa.

In terms of resistance to electromagnetic influences and the level of radiated radio interference, the device corresponds to class A equipment in accordance with GOST 51522-1999 (IEC 61326-1).

In terms of resistance to mechanical influences during operation the device corresponds to group of performance N2 in GOST R 52931-2008.

According to the resistance to climatic impacts during operation, the device corresponds to the execution group V4 according to GOST R 52931-2008.

Requirements in terms of external influencing factors are mandatory as related to safety requirements.

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Security measures

There is life-threatening voltage of up to 250 V on terminal block. Any connections to the device and maintenance work should be carried out only when the device power is turned off.

Do not allow moisture to contact the output connector and the internal electrical elements of the device. It is forbidden to use the device in corrosive environments containing acids, alkalis, oils, etc. in the atmosphere.

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Housing Н

To connect Device:

Installation of wall-mounting Device
  1. Fasten the bracket with three M4 × 20 screws on the surface intended for mounting the Device (see Figure).
    Bracket mounting screws are not included.
  2. Hook the fixing bracket from the back panel of Device to the upper edge of the wall bracket.
  3. Attach Device to the bracket with the supplied screw.

Demount Device in the reverse order.

Remove the cover before wiring. Fasten the base of Device to the bracket with a supplied screw.
Dimensions of H housing
The bushings need to be cut in accordance with the diameter of the lead-in cable.

Housing Щ1

To connect Device:

Installation of panel-mounting Device

  1. Prepare a place for mounting on the control panel (see Figure).
  2. Install the gasket on the frame of Device to ensure degree of protection IP54.
  3. Insert Device into a specially prepared hole on the front of the control panel.
  4. Insert the supplied retainers into holes on the sides of Device.
  5. Tighten supplied screws M4 x 35 in the holes of each retainer so that Device is firmly pressed to the front of the control panel.

Demount Device in reverse order.

Dimensions of Щ1 housing
Device in Щ1 housing mounted in the control panel with 3 mm thickness

Housing Щ2

To connect Device:

Installation of panel-mounting Device

  1. Prepare a place for mounting on the control panel (see Figure).
  2. Install the gasket on the frame of Device to ensure degree of protection IP54.
  3. Insert Device into a specially prepared hole on the front of the control panel.
  4. Insert the supplied retainers into holes on the sides of Device.
  5. Tighten supplied screws M4 x 35 in the holes of each retainer so that Device is firmly pressed to the front of the control panel.
Demount Device in reverse order.

Dimensions of Щ2 housing
Device in Щ2 housing mounted in the control panel thickness of 3 mm

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Electrical connection

Wiring recommendations

To ensure the reliability of electrical connections it is recommended to use copper stranded cables, the ends of which should be carefully cleaned and tinned. Otherwise use cable lugs before connection. Cable conductors should be stripped so that their bare ends do not protrude beyond the terminal strip after connecting to the device. The cable cross section must be not more than 1 mm2.

General requirements for connection lines:

  • During the cabling, communication lines that connect the Device with sensors must be isolated to a separate circuit (or several circuits) and placed separately from power cables or other sources of high-frequency and impulse interferences;

  • To protect the Device inputs from the effects of industrial electromagnetic interference, the communication lines between Device and sensors should be shielded. Special cables with shielding or grounded steel pipes of suitable diameter can be used. The cable shielding should be connected to the functional ground terminal (FE) in the control panel;

  • Network interference filters should be installed in the power supply lines;

  • Spark-fighting filters should be installed in the switching lines of power equipment.

When installing the system in which the Device operates, you should follow the rules for effective grounding:

  • all grounding lines must be laid in Y-connected circuit, ensuring good contact with the grounding element;

  • all earthing circuits must be made with wires of the largest possible cross-section;

  • it is forbidden to connect the device terminal "Common" with grounding lines.

Getting Started

After unpacking the device, make sure that it has not been damaged during transportation.

If the Device was kept for a long time at a temperature below minus 20 °С, then before turning it on and starting work, it should be kept in a room with a temperature corresponding to the operating range for 30 minutes.

To connect Device:

  1. Connect the Device to a power source.

    Before applying power to the Device, check that the supply voltage and its level are correct.

  2. Connect primary transducers to the Device inputs.
  3. Connect actuators to the Device outputs.
  4. Apply power to the Device.
  5. Set up the Device.
  6. Power off the Device.

Pin assignment

Screw terminals are located on the back wall (panel-mounting) or inside the device (wall-mounting).

The terminal block contacts assignment is shown in Figure.

Pin assignment

If the device is powered from a DC voltage network, then terminals 3 and 4 of the screw terminal block must be interconnected by a jumper.

Connection of switching devices and sensors

Inputs of the Device (pins 9 – 12 at the terminal block) support supply voltage from 0 to 24 V. Any voltage out of this range is prohibited.
To supply switching devices and sensors to the screw terminal block of the device, the supply voltage is derived (pins 13 and 14 of the terminal block). If power consumption of input exceeds the load capacity of the built-in power supply (24 V), then an external power supply with an output voltage of 12 to 34 V (24 V recommended) must be used for powering.

Scheme for connection of the switching devices to the inputs is shown in Figure.

Connection of switching devices: a) for operation with n-p-n sensors; b) for operation with p-n-p sensors

Scheme for connection of passive and active sensors with an output n-p-n open-collector transistor or p-n-p is shown in Figures and accordingly.

Connection of n-p-n-sensors: 1) active; 2) passive
Connection of p-n-p-sensors: 1) active; 2) passive

Connecting load to the outputs

Outputs can be made in the form of electromagnetic relays (P), transistor (K) or triac (C) optocouplers. The outputs are used for direct load control (on/off) or for control by more powerful elements: contactors, solid state relays, thyristors or triacs. The outputs are galvanically isolated from the circuit of the Device.

Scheme of connecting the load to the electromagnetic relay is shown in Figure.

Scheme of connecting load to the output of type Р

A transistor optocoupler is usually used to control a low-voltage relay (up to 50 V), see Figure.

In order to avoid failure of the transistor due to the large self-induction current, it is necessary to install a VD1 diode (KD103 or similar type) in parallel to the relay coil.
Scheme of connecting load to the output of type K

The optosimistor is connected to the control circuit of the power triac through the limiting resistor R1 according to the scheme shown in Figure.

Nominal value of the resistor determines the current of the triac.
Scheme of connecting a power triac to the output of type C

Optosimistor can also control a pair of anti-parallel connected thyristors (see Figure).

Scheme of connecting two anti-parallel connected thyristors to the output of type С
It is recommended to connect a filtering circuit (RC) to the terminals of thyristors or triacs in order to prevent breakdown due to high-voltage power surges in the network.

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Operation of the Device

Principle of operation

Functional diagram of the Device is shown in Figure.

Functional diagram

The Device has four independent digital inputs for external control signals. You can connect to the inputs:

  • switching devices (buttons, switches, reed switches, relays, etc.);

  • sensors with output n-p-n-transistor with an open collector;

  • sensors with output p-n-p-transistor.

The levels of the input signals are converted and processed in the matching unit and then sent to the digital signal processing unit that performs:

  • filtering of input signals;

  • counting pulses applied to the device inputs;

  • conversion of the value from the counter into real physical value;

  • comparing signal value to the setpoint before displaying;

  • generation of signals for controlling the outputs according to a specified algorithm.

Control unit includes buttons for entering parameters of the device.

Display unit displays the measurement results or operating parameters on the indicators and shows the counter status using LEDs.

Internal power supply converts the supply voltage for all units of the device and generates a signal indicating the loss of supply voltage.

Control and indication

Elements of indication and control are located on the front panel of the device (see Figures and):

  • seven-segment six-digit digital indicator;
  • five LEDs;
  • four/five buttons (depending on the type of housing).
Front panel of the device in housings for wall-mounting H and panel-mounting Щ1
Front panel of the device in housing forpanel-mounting Щ2
Digital indicator
Operating modeDisplayed information
OperationCurrent counter value
SetupName and value of the selected parameter or setpoint value (see Appendix A)
LED States
Graphic LightsKey lock is on
СБР LightsInput Reset is enabled
БЛК LightsInput Lock is enabled
СТАРТ/СТОПLightsCurrent device operation mode (pulse counting or stop)
ВЫХ Lights Output enabled
ButtonOperating modeFunction
  • Reset counting register and device readings.
  • Return to the current saved setpoint value during editing process
SetupReturning the value of the parameter before changing it during the editing process


OperationChange the values of setpoint
SetupView parameter values and edit them
Graphic is not available on the housing Щ2.
GraphicOperationSelect editable digit when changing parameter value (used with buttons Graphic and Graphic)


View and change the setpoint value (if the setpoint value is not locked)
  • Enter and exit the settings group
  • Enter and exit the parameter editing mode
  • Save the new parameter value in non-volatile memory of the device

Switch on and operation

During operation (see Figure), the Device counts the number of pulses arriving at its counting input (input 1), converts this quantity into a physical value, and displays the value on the indicator.

The counter of the Device operates in the mode of direct counting (counting of pulses from zero upward). If the maximum counting value (999999) is exceeded, the number of counted pulses is reset and the counter continues counting.

The logic of the counter on the start/stop signal (input 2) is as follows:

  • the first impulse (starting) comes to this input and enables the counting;

  • when the next (stop) pulse arrives, the counting stops.

If there is an active Reset signal (input 3), the number of counted pulses is reset.

Block (input 4) prevents the transmission of the counting pulses to the Device input. While this signal is active, counting is blocked.

The setpoint is specified with the same accuracy as for counting physical values. The multiplier can be set from 0.00001 to 99999. The conversion of counting results (result of multiplying) will be rounded up.

The counter also filters the input signals with two filters. The first one filters the signal on the counting input by pulse duration (from 1 to 2500 Hz), the second filters signal on the control inputs of the Device (from 200 to 999999 μs).

Device operation diagram

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Sequence of setup

The Setup mode is intended for viewing and editing the device parameters. New parameters are saved to non-volatile memory of the device.

To enter (or exit) the Setup mode, press and hold buttonGraphic for at least 2 seconds.

While editing, if no button is pressed within 2 min., device automatically returns to parameter view mode.

When device enters Setup for the first time, indicator shows PASS. Enter a new 4-digit password (default is 0000 ), save it and memorise. This password is further required for changing the device settings and for restoring factory settings (dEFAUL).

If you forgot your password, Setup mode can be entered with password 1098.

Structure of the device settings menu and sequence of pressing the buttons for setup is shown in Figure.

Device settings menu

Since the FDP and DP parameters set restrictions on each other (the number of displayed digits after the decimal point in the counting results can not be larger than the number of digits after the decimal point of the entered multiplier), editing of parameters FDP, DP, F should be performed in the following sequence:

  • to increase the number of displayed digits after the decimal point (decimal point offset to the left):

    • set parameter FDP;

    • set parameter F;

    • set parameter DP.

  • to decrease the number of displayed digits after the decimal point (decimal point offset to the right):

    • set parameter DP.

    • set parameter FDP;

    • set parameter F.

Due to the restrictions imposed by the Dispenser mode (oUt= 2), it is recommended to change the mode of operation of the control unit in the following sequence:

  • set parameter SPM;

  • set parameter rSt;

  • set parameter oUt.

The list of configurable parameters of the device and their possible values is shown in Appendix A.

Setting the operating mode of the counter

Available types of counting (depending on the values of specified parameters) are presented in Table.

Types of counting
No. Parameter Illustration
1Switched after setpoint


Reset counter and continue counting


Reset counter and continue counting


This combination of parameters only resets the counter and does not provide activation of the output.
2Switched after setpoint


Reset counter and continue counting


Reset the counter and wait for signal "Start"


3Switched after setpoint


Reset the counter and wait for signal "Start"


Reset counter and continue counting


4Switched after setpoint


Reset the counter and wait for signal "Start"


Reset the counter and wait for signal "Start"


5Switched after setpoint


Continue counting


Reset counter and continue counting


6Switched after setpoint


Continue counting


Reset the counter and wait for signal "Start"




Reset the counter and wait for signal "Start"


Reset the counter and wait for signal "Start"




Continue counting


Reset the counter and wait for signal "Start"



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Safety measures (see Section ) should be observed during the maintenance.

The maintenance includes:

  • checking the mounting of the device;
  • checking the screw connections;
  • removing dust and dirt from the terminal board of the device.

The device should be cleaned with a damp cloth only. No abrasives or solvent-containing cleaners may be used.

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Device should be packed according to into consumer packaging, made of paperboard (according to GOST 7933-89).

Packaging of the device for mail delivery is performed according to GOST 9181-74.

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Transportation and storage

Device must be transported in closed transport of any kind. The fastening of containers during transport should be carried out in accordance with the rules applicable to the respective modes of transport.

The transport conditions must be in accordance with IEC 61131-2-2012 at ambient temperature from – 40 to + 55 °С in compliance with the protection measures against impacts and vibrations.

Transportation should be carried out in a shipping container individually or in over-packs.

The storage conditions in the packaging at the manufacturer's and consumer's warehouse must comply with IEC 61131-2-2012. In the air no aggressive impurities must be present.

Device should be stored in the racks.

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Scope of delivery

Device1 piece
Passport and warranty card1 piece
User manual1 piece
Calibration method (on request) 1 piece
Fasteners1 set
The manufacturer reserves the right to make additions to the sсope of delivery.

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The manufacturer guarantees conformity of the Device to requirements of technical conditions (ТУ) under the conditions of operation, transportation, storage and installation.

Warranty period of operation: 24 months from the date of sale.

In case of failure of the Device during the warranty period at observance of conditions of operation, transportation, storage and installation the manufacturer undertakes to provide free repair or replacement.

The procedure for transferring the Device to repair is described in the passport and in the warranty card.

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Device parameters

Configurable parameters
Parameter Allowed values Comments Default
Designation Item


000000 – 999999

from 000000 to 99999


Output mode


Switched after setpoint. The output is triggered if the number of counted pulses is greater than setpoint value or equal to it.


Dispenser mode. The output is triggered if the number of counted pulses is in the range from zero to the setpoint value, and the last pulse that arrived at the “Start/Stop” input of the counter was the starting one.


Multiplier decimal point position

------ ------


0,00001 – 99999

from 0.00001 to 99999


Decimal point position

------ ------

Operation type after reaching setpoint


Continue counting without resetting


Reset counter and continue counting


Reset counter and stop counting

The counter is waiting for the "Start" signal


Operation type to "Reset" signal


Reset counter and continue counting


Reset counter and stop counting

The first impulse that came after the reset to the “Start/Stop” input will be considered as the starting one.

* These parameters are not available in the Dispenser mode (oUt = 2).

Frequency of input filter

1 – 2500

Filtering signals at the counting input of the device (from 1 to 2500 Hz) - filter 1.

This parameter in the digital signal processing unit of the device is converted to the minimum pulse duration (tmin): t_{min} = {1\over2\cdot FrEq}


Minimum duration of the signal on the control inputs

200 – 999999

Filtering signals at the control inputs of the device (from 200 to 999999 μs) - filter 2


Button lock


Buttons unlocked


Reset counter button locked


Reset and change of setpoints are blocked


Restore factory settings


Do not restore settings


Restore settings



0000 – 9999

from 0000 to 9999


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Warning notice system

Explanation of the symbols and keywords used:

DANGER indicates an imminent dangerous situation that will result in death or serious injuries if not prevented.
CAUTION indicates a potentially dangerous situation that could result in minor injuries.
NOTICE indicates a potentially dangerous situation that could result in damage to property.
NOTE indicates helpful tips and recommendations, as well as information for efficient and trouble-free operation.

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